05 Sep

The Model Drawing approach to solving Maths word problems in Singapore has been widely used in the Singapore Primary schools by Maths teachers since the late 1980s. To date, the schools are still widely teaching our children to use this method to solve lengthy Maths word problems. Hence, it is critical for these students to understand and master this approach. 

Key competencies required by the child includes:-

1) Average English Language skills to understand the specific word problem sum

2) Look out for keywords within the word problem sum

3) Draw relevant rectangular boxes to ascertain the part-whole relationships and the Mathematical values involved (both known and unknown). 

Here are 3 examples below for your reference (P3 exam type of questions):-

20170905 E.g.s P3 Maths Word Problems explained.pdf

If you are keen to know more about how to master model drawing and other problem-solving/ Heuristics Maths skills through our programs, please reach out to us TODAY!


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